Portland Yoga Project Class Descriptions

A little guidance as you find your way…



An all levels flow class that sets its foundation in linking breath and movement. Expect a mindful, intelligently sequenced, fluid practice that builds and provides options, advancements, and modifications for different needs and experiences.


Similar to a vinyasa flow class, but with a gentle foundation. Expect a supported and slower paced flow with less chaturangas (low push-ups), less vigor, and more modifications.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a wonderful compliment to the more "yang" yoga practices. Postures are most often seated or lying down and supported by props. Each pose is held longer periods of time (usually 3-5 minutes) to target the connective tissues, such as the ligaments, bones, and joints of the body. Open to all levels.


In Hatha Yoga you can expect a sequence of standing and seated postures with long holds and time to integrate your breath and alignment. Hatha classes will not include “vinyasas” and we often use the wall to support our postures and for feedback.


Restorative yoga is the practice of deep rest to body and mind while utilizing props (bolsters, blankets, blocks) to gently ease the body and facilitate the relaxation response. Postures are held for 10-15 minutes to allow for the nervous system to down regulate and the body/mind to find deep ease. True medicine for many, this class is available to all levels. 


This class will combine elements of a vinyasa class, linking breath and movement, alongside Katonah Yoga® theory and practices. Expect various movement as well as pranayama practices, with less typical ‘vinyasas’.

What is Katonah Yoga?

Katonah Yoga® is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination — in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Themes using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern implies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight.


Our outdoor classes are held at Payson Park, which borders the northern part of the Back Cove. There is plenty of free parking in a few areas of the park. We set up our classes in the south-west area of the park in the area marked with the purple star in the image below. Our teachers choose the best spot depending on the sun and shade as well as away from other recreational traffic. There will be brightly colored pinwheels to mark the spot for each class. We recommend giving yourself plenty of time to find the spot the first time you plan to go to an outdoor class.

Keep an eye on the weather! Definitely wear sun screen and some bug repellent. Bring your own water and yoga mat. Check the air temperature before you go and keep in mind that the park is right off of the cove, so there is usually a nice breeze.

For an aerial view map of the location please click here.

Rolling & Mobility Yoga

In this class, we will play with dynamic, isometric, and active variations to asanas while also incorporating Yoga Tune Up® Therapy balls. Expect targeted self-massage using these high grip rubber balls and focused movement to help penetrate through layers of muscle and fascia.


Prenatal yoga provides many tools to be called upon during pregnancy and labor — from fostering connection with breath to physical and subtle body awareness, this practice can support a birther physically, mentally and spiritually. Expect accessible transitions and safe modifications combined with breath work, meditation and intentional rest. Each thoughtful sequence will strike a balance of movement/stillness and empowerment/support. 

Check out our courses and events for upcoming Prenatal classes.


A full body workout that will hit our deeper stabilizing muscles in all of the major muscle groups. Barre is heavily influenced by Pilates and yoga, so expect long sets of small controlled movements, all balanced by time to stretch. We use our own body weight as resistance in 95% of the class and expect low impact, making these classes accessible to many bodies and levels of experience.  

Yoga mats are used for in-studio classes, please bring along one with you for class. If you don’t have one, we have some available to rent in the lobby.


Did you know Barre can help you enhance your health and quality of life as you age? Whether you are looking to improve your general strength and flexibility, increase your balance to reduce your fall risk, are recovering from an injury or already do barre and yoga classes regularly, this class can benefit almost everyone.


Matte is a full body conditioning class set to a killer playlist. We will combine dynamic movements to get the heart rate up. Also expect complimentary exercises for exactly the right amount of stability and strengthening to go along with the sweat. We end with a sweet stretch to balance it all.


Our community classes serve as an opportunity for newer teachers to gain teaching experience. All teachers on the community schedule have completed their training (either yoga or barre) through The Portland Yoga Project. Classes are a $7 drop-in and are open to members and non-members.